„Anarchaia is the very first tumblelog. In fact, it was that early the term didn’t even exist back then.“
Namensgebend fürTimblelogs: „Blogging has mutated into simpler forms … but I don’t think I’ve seen a blog like Chris Neukirchen’s Anarchaia, which fudges together a bunch of disparate forms into a very long and narrow and distracted tumblelog.“
„Anarchaia is, if you look closely, just a list of certain things, just as * Links * Flickr images * Quotes * IRC quotes * Lyrics Each of these get their own Vooly tag…“
„Tumblelogs are like blogs with less fuss. Tumblr is your friendly and free tool for creating tumblelogs.“
„You can also look at tumblelogs as slightly more structured blogs that make it easier, faster, and more fun to post and share stuff you find or create.“
„Tumblen ist das bessere Twittern…“ „weil sich – glaub ich – durch Twitter tatsächlich unsere Wahrnehmungskompetenz von atomisierten Informationseinheiten verschoben hat.“
„A tumblelog is a quick and dirty stream of consciousness,“… „The further away from punditry I can get, the better it will be for all of us.“
„A tumblelog is a variation of a blog, that favors short-form, mixed-media posts over the longer editorial posts frequently associated with blogging. Common post formats found on tumblelogs include links, photos, quotes, dialogues, and video.“