Ausführliche Einführung in das Podcasten, vor allem für Schulen und Universitäten. Wieder ein guter Hinweis aus dem e-Learning-Blog!
„Perhaps it’s time for the ’sphere to pressure Google to open up and let us at least have some level of understanding of what data they’re compiling on us and how they’re using it — and let us selectively or completely opt out.“
„Linden Lab’s official resource for educators in Second Life“
„Sorry, I don’t blog. I have to work full time, that is 24h minus 8. Life is short and then you die.“ Hervorragend, auch wegen der „list of excellent wiki sites“.
„The easiest way to display and manage your portfolio online # A clean canvas to show off your work“
„This collection captures findings of consistent, unique or interesting interfaces and design flows from across the web.“
„These findings suggest that both general models of brain function and autonomous agents ought to include biologically relevant nonlinear, endogenous behavior-initiating mechanisms if they strive to realistically simulate biological brains or out-compete
Sammelband, wirkt sehr interessant!
„MySpace has continued its evolution into a Web portal with a plan to provide entertainment and news channels on its site.“
„…but the feeling within the BBC is that an integrated newsroom will help ensure news is published to the first available platform as it breaks….“
Überichtliche Darstellung der Rolle von Input-Filtern bei Drupal