„Melcrum announces the preliminary findings of the first ever survey into social media adoption by large corporations worldwide.“
„The journal is far beyond newsletters or typical online magazines. IMHO the journal has the look and feel of interactive Web-TV.“
„Die Informationsplattform open-access.net hat das Ziel, den steigenden Informationsbedarf zum Thema Open Access zu decken.“
‚Das Pentagon versucht, mit Videos im Medienkrieg gegen die Gegner im Irak anzutreten, während „friendly information“ wie Blogs und E-Mails der US-Soldaten stärker kontrolliert werden…‘
‚This article endeavours to denote and promote pedagogical experimentations concerning a Free/Open technology called a „Wiki“.‘
„Here is a clue to what Sony were looking for in a good podcast (these are based on comments about the winners).“
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„On the seminal paper Implicit Structure and the Dynamics of Blogspace, the authors explore information epidemics in the context of blogspace…“