„After years of worrying about how much time freshmen spend on Facebook, schools are incorporating the study of social networking, online communities and user-contributed content into new curricula on social computing.“
„Some students don’t like the idea of having professors on Facebook…“
„SideStep’s Trips application enables Facebook users worldwide to share their travel plans and to make new friends while traveling…“
„The Obama application puts the most recent campaign video and news on your profile and in front of your friends. It also enables you to easily communicate with your friends in early primary states where support for Barack is especially important…“
„The Facebook Platform… means you can use lots of cool new applications within Facebook. We’ve tested most of them,… Here are more than 30 of the best, with more being added as they are announced…“
scheint – im gegensatz z.B. zur del.icio.us-application – noch nicht zu funktionieren!
„Allows users to authenticate against Facebook and then creates the relevant local Drupal account.“
„The core asset Facebook wants to own, extend, and leverage, is the social graph-who is connected to whom.“
„Bevor der G8-Gipfel eigentlich beginnt, gibt es bereits den ersten Verlierer. Die klassischen Medien liefern ein erbärmliches Bild.“
„Aber wie sehr manche Journalistendarsteller faktenfrei argumentieren, wenn es an ihre eigenen Vorurteile geht, ist ja gerade bei fantasievolleren Formen von zivilem Ungehorsam nicht neu…“