Recht ausführlicher Überblick zu vorhandenen Tools; einiges zu Elgg
Kombination sehr vieler Tools zum Testen von Websites; sehr brauchbar!
‚At Davos this year, a powerful newspaper publisher beseeched Mark Zuckerberg… for advice on how he could build and own his community. The famously laconic Zuckerberg replied „You can’t.“‘
Gutes Interview mit Clay Shirky
„Since tags are nested in other tags, they are arranged in a hierarchical manner, and that hierarchy can be represented as a graph. I’ve written a little app that visualizes such a graph, and here are some screenshots of websites that I often look at.“
„This article shows how to combine the Graphviz tool set with Web-page thumbnail generators to create new ways of visualizing any Web page’s link structures.“
„Today, for example, we could see the launch of Metrobloggen, a new blog tool where the free daily Metro offers its hosted bloggers 3 öre (about half a US cent) per page view. If your blog becomes a hit you might actually earn a buck or two…“
„So let me leave this as a challenge to Technorati, Feedburner, TechMeme and anyone else trying to tie together the loose threads of the blogosphere – how do we Facebookize the open web?…“
„There was quite a flurry of blogging about the Atom Publishing Protocol (APP) over the weekend, all kicked off by Dare Obasanjo’s criticisms of the protocol… Here’s the dump from my del.icio.us account:…“
„Led by Wikipedia’s co-founder Jimmy Wales, hundreds of software engineers – ranging from fledgling teenage coders to retired, respected software gurus – are combining in an unlikely attempt to overturn Google’s domination of the search market…“
Es sollte nicht in den Kommentaren untergehen: Karin Schmollgruber macht auf Basic Thinking Vorschläge, um mehr Frauen zu Barcamps zu bekommen.
Michaela und Ton haben wahrscheinlich Recht: Die vorhandenen Netzwerke in der Blogosphäre bevorzugen unbewusst Männer. Unter anderem wegen solcher blinden Flecke — weil wir unsere Kommunikation selbst nicht verstehen — ist es wichtig, dass mehr Frauen an Web 2.0-Veranstaltungen teilnehmen.Wir brauchen mehr BeobachterInnen der BeobachterInnen.
‚Die Studierenden des Studiengangs „Journalismus und Unternehmenskommunikation“ (Jahrgang 2006) der FH JOANNEUM in Graz recherchierten zum Thema Blogging und Bürgerjournalismus in Österreich.‘
Dieter Rappold fasst seine Session auf dem Juni-Barcamp in Wien zusammen. Sehr lesenswert!
„The basic ideas behind the Attention Economy are simple. Such an economy facilitates a marketplace where consumers agree to receives services in exchange for their attention… „
„Tourismus, Marketing & PR im Web 2.0 by passion PR“ – Karin Schmollgrubers Weblog
„Facebook will become a defacto identity manager amongst the general internet population, unless some big names adopt OpenID as standard it will struggle to compete with the massive userbase that Facebook will build.“
Über den Prototyp eines OpenId-Servers, der Microsofts CardSpace zur Authentifizierung verwendet
Gute Übersicht, viele Links zu Microsofts System für das Identitätsmanagement
„With tonight’s release, you can now enable members of your social network to add videos, music, podcasts, and photo slideshows – branded and linked back to your network on Ning – to Facebook with one-click.“
„Python represents an algorithm-oriented language that has been sorely needed in education. The advantages of Python include its textbook-like syntax and interactivity that encourages experimentation. More importantly, we report our novel use…“
„Flickr Backup is a Java application that allows you do download your photos and back them up to your harddrive or to media. This is useful if your local harddrive goes bad and you don’t have a current backup….“
„Network Map is a new Facebook application built by Sami Fouad, to show a visual representation of Facebook’s network stats on a Google map.“
„OpenCongress brings together official government data with news and blog coverage to give you the real story behind each bill.“
„I’d like to suggest a new way of looking at the economics of the Internet. I think my approach can explain why forecasters have so consistently underestimated its growth….“
„This is a web site for commentary, essays, etc., from David P. Reed, Bob Frankston, and some of their friends. It was initially set up and maintained by Dan Bricklin.“
Knappe Darstellung von Reed’s Law
Erste Formulierung vn Reed’s Law
„Die Wiki-Developer-Community versucht gerade, sich auf ein universelles Edit-Icon für Wikis zu einigen, nach Vorbild des Feedicons. Was mich freut, ist, dass dabei auch über den „This is a Wiki – edit every page“ – Badge diskutiert wird, den ich…“
Visualisierung von Einflüssen – und Gedlflüssen – in der Politik; unfluence.net ist ein Werkzeug für solche Visualisierungen!
„Intelligent survey software for primates of all species. SurveyMonkey has a single purpose: to enable anyone to create professional online surveys quickly and easily. Find out what everyone is talking about.“
‚WashingtonPost.com has soft-launched „Local Explorer, “ which allows users to map crime, home sales and school information by zip code. It is a great model for „mapped journalism.“‚