John Battelle:

The advice I give any journalist friend or colleague is to make the transition from that which I call packaged goods media–a finished television, news or radio report–to the conversational approach to [online] journalism. For most of us journalists who have spent a majority of their careers in the packaged goods area, it’s terrifying to hang it all out there and to admit that you might be wrong and to make mistakes and be corrected… [Online journalism] is much more like performance art. I would compare the skill set [with that of] a radio talk show host. [Quality Control: Q&A with John Battelle, Web content visionary.]

Vielleicht einige der wenigen Regeln, die sich für mediengerechten Online-Journalismus schon formulieren lassen. Eine andere (verwandte): Microcontent erstellen, Inhalte erzeugen, die sich neu kombinieren lassen!

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