Für die Übung Aspekte des Online-Journalismus hier eine Zusammenstellung von Daten. Es handelt sich eher um Notizen als um eine Chronik; die Quellen habe ich am Ende angegeben. Ich hoffe, dass ich die Liste gelegentlich erweitern und aktualisieren kann.

(Mit Michael Maier, dem Gründer der Netzeitung, und Erich Möchel, einem Mitgründer von quintessenz.at, der jetzt die Futurezone leitet, unterrichten übrigens zwei Pioniere des deutschsprachigen Online-Journalismus an unserem Studiengang.)

http://info.cern.ch/, die erste Website der Welt, publiziert in einer Art Weblog Nachrichten über die Entwicklung des Mediums (Archiv: What’s new in ’92)
Oktober 1993
Die Universität Florida publiziert die erste jourmalistische Website (nach eigenem Anspruch)
19. 1. 1994
USA: Palo Alto Weekly beginnt als erste Zeitung, regelmäßig im Web zu publizieren.
Deutschland: Start von SPIEGEL ONLINE
USA: Online-Ausgabe des TIME Magazine
Erste Werbebanner bei HotWired!
Österreich: Start der quintessenz, bis 1998 eines der ersten deutschsprachigen Online-Magazine, heute Verein zur Wiederherstellung der Bürgerrechte im Informationszeitalter (Archiv: Quintessenz; siehe auch Archiv österreichischer Online-Publikationen)
derStandard.at — Erste Internetausgabe einer deutschsprachigen Tageszeitung
(Material zum zehnjährigen Jubiläum: derStandard.at)
Frühjahr 1995
Deutschland: taz und Schweriner Volkszeitung starten als erste deutsche Tageszeitungen Webauftritte
Juli 1995
Start des ersten reinen Online-Magazins Salon.com
Josh Quittner: Intelligent Agent – „The Birth of Way New Journalism“:

A Few Things That Should Work in the Way New Journalism:
The element of surprise: I titter as Netscape paints 10 new images on my screen. It’s like headlines in three dimensions: Something catches my eye and tricks me into looking for more. Something lures me into interacting and tunneling deeper for information. Point, click, and open a jack-in-the-box that tells you something you didn’t already know.

Sudden narrative: Face it – until we have flexible flat panels with brilliant, high-definition displays, reading on the screen sucks. Sudden narrative to the rescue: Tell me a dramatic story in, say, 250 words – a screenful of text. This is an important device, too, because brevity will be an antidote to the Net’s information overload.

Voice: Voice becomes more intimate and immediate online. You expect your reporter (or your newspaper/magazine) to be an intelligent agent, a voice you recognize and trust. Since, theoretically at least, our email addresses will be part of our bylines, you’ll be able to flame away at the reporter. This means the piece of reportage will exist in an organic state, with an evolving factual base. Small errors will be unacceptable because they can be so easily corrected. You’ll also „know“ your reporter better.

Hypertext links: surfing around for three hours, only to end up dazed and confused and disintermediated at a White House press-briefing site.

Instant reaction/The Big Talk Show in the Sky: No more of that Man on the Street crap. You can build reaction right into a story by linking to the appropriate Usenet forum, IRC channel, or MOO. You can talk about this story by joining the thread already in progress – or start your own. Don’t underestimate this device. I learn best by reading, but talking about information with someone else is an equally efficient way to absorb data.

Februar 1996
Dave Winer startet sein erstes Weblog
Steven Johnson (Chefredakteur des Online-Magazins Feed): Downsizing the Revolution:

We’ve designed FEED from the ground up to accomodate the new possibilities of the Web. Each article here is a working example of hypertext, with associative links to other FEED articles and sites scattered across the Web. Our Document section explores the possibilities of hypertext in ways that would be almost impossible in the traditional print medium. FEED Dialogs follow the „electronic town hall“ model: a panel of experts debates the issues of the day, responding to the input of FEED readers as the conversation unfolds. Our stories are laced with sound files and video clips in proper multimedia fashion. And every article on the FEED site is linked to a threaded bulletin board system, where readers can hash out the issues amongst themselves, creating an open-ended conversation that grows with each new posting.

In other words, we’re firm believers in the promise of the new media. But that promise has its limits. We’re not inclined to see FEED as a paradigm shift or a radical break with tradition. Cultural forms, after all, rarely progress in such sudden, dramatic stages. (Think of the way television borrowed from the codes and conventions of the radio broadcast.) We prefer to think of FEED in evolutionary terms: an older organism finds itself transplanted into a new environment, and adapts to that environment in various ways — but still retains much of its original shape.

Deutschland: Launch von tagesschau.de
September 1997
Bob Malda gründet Slashdot
USA: Der Drudge Report löst die Lewinsky-Affäre aus.
USA: Pyra Labs publiziert Blogger das ersten kostenlose webbasierte Werkzeug zum Erstellen von Weblogs (später von Google übernommen)

Userland Software produziert mit My.UserLand.Com den ersten News-Aggregator

Deutschland: Gründung der Netzeitung, der ersten reinen Online-Zeitung in Deutschland
19. Dezember 2001
USA: Google startet die Google News Headlines, aus denen später die Google News werden.
Juli 2004
Dan Gillmor, We the Media — Grassroots Journalism by the People, for the People:

The rise of the citizen journalist will help us listen. The ability of anyone to make the news will give new voice to people
who’ve felt voiceless — and whose words we need to hear. They
are showing all of us — citizen, journalist, newsmaker—new
ways of talking, of learning.

In the end, they may help spark a renaissance of the notion,
now threatened, of a truly informed citizenry. Self-government
demands no less, and we’ll all benefit if we do it right.

Let’s have this conversation, for everyone’s sake.

Quellen: Patrick Dax: Online-Journalismus / Geschichte, onlinejournalismus.de – Dossier: Zehn Jahre Onlinejournalismus —Chronik, Dave Winer: The History of Weblogs, History of Slashdot (Wikipedia), David Carlson’s Online Timeline (A capsule history of online news and information systems)

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