Internet als vierte Kulturtechnik?
„I write everything on this site in emacs of course. I finally got around to organizing the myriad Emacs Lisp hacks I use into a common file: presenting posts.el.“
‚Command line tools for s3 in the *nix tradition and a supporting python library‘
Visualisierung des belgischen Twitter-Netzes
Let’s get right to it. I figured that in less than a plane flight, and in less than a page of code, I could write a spelling corrector that achieves 80 or 90% accuracy at a rate of at least 10 words per second. And in fact, here, in 20 lines of Python 2.5
„Although this paper presents a number of concrete design and engineering ideas, the larger intent is to introduce a ‚unified theory‘ of information software design,“
„Independent developer Mark Atwood has been working on a MySQL interface to Amazon S3. Released under the GNU Public License, the code is compatible with version 5.1 of MySQL.“
„MindMeister is a collaborative online mind mapping tool – you can capture your thoughts and share them instantly with friends and colleagues.“
Liste mit Online-Journalen, die sich mit e-Learning beschäftigen