Dare Obasanjo fasst seine Kritik an OpenSocial in fünf Sätzen zusammen:
OpenSocial is billed as a standardized widget platform for the Web, it isn’t. OpenSocial is a standard set of REST APIs which social networks can utilize to expose user profiles and relationship data. Everything else required by a widget platform from authentication and authorization to user interface integration and an application directory is unspecified. OpenSocial is to a standardized widget platform as an internal combustion engine is to an airplane. A step in the right direction but still very far from the end goal.
Das ist sicher ernst zu nehmen, auch wenn Obasanjo kaum neutral urteilt und die Bedeutung von OpenSocial nicht zuletzt in der Firmenallianz liegt, die Google zusammengebracht hat. BTW: Derek Powazek fragt: Google Now in Vaporware Business?