Stephen Downes in einem sehr lesenswerten Beitrag zur Schule 2.0:

There is no particular focus for this view of ‚Scool 2.0‘. The main point is that technology allows us to change our approach to education, from one where we segregate learners in specially designed education facilities (classrooms, training rooms, schools, universities) to one where learning is something we do (and what educators provide) in the course of any other activity.

Instead of bringing students to the learning, as the education system has done for about a century, we must now, if we wish to be relevant at all, bring learning to the students.

Downes Feststellung, dass das Schicksal der Schule, wie wir sie kennen, an das der Industriegesellschaft gebunden ist, dürfte die Herausforderungen für die Lehrenden besser treffen als die Euphorie über das „E-Learning“ oder die Klage über das Verschwinden der Bildung.

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