Guter Überblick zu Produktionsplattformen für Online-Videos
„The head of Pegasus News reviews what he’s learned, so far, on the road to starting a new local news website.“
„From astroturf to sock puppets, we provide definitions to common jargon in the Web journalism industry.“
„The corporation’s journalism college website aims to create a massive training resource, and there are plans to make much of the material available to the wider public by the end of the year.“
Verfolgt die Themenabdeckung amerikanischer Nachrichtenmedien, print und online.
„On Jan. 8, the Project on Excellence in Journalism launched an intriguing new feature: its weekly News Coverage Index…“
PR-Querkopf Kocks: „Lügner reden immer nur von Notlügen“ – Wirtschaft – SPIEGEL ONLINE – Nachrichten„PR-Berater lügen, sagt der PR-Berater und frühere VW-Sprecher Klaus Kocks – und erregt damit den Zorn seiner Kollegen…“
„I am cataloging here as many useful cross-browser CSS layout techniques as I can find, and some that I made up when I was bored last Thursday…“
„Klassischer“ Artikel über CSS-Layouts
Überblick, vor allem zu Lösungen mit „Web 2.0“-Features
„Wherein the Daylife people, they blog.“ (Allerdings ohne Newsfeed!)
Jeff Jarvis: „Daylife is a platform of news applications that will feed not only its own site but also, via its API, sites large and small that want to bring new ways to view relevant news to their readers.“
„By the end of this year, the contents of all 1,800 courses taught at one of the world’s most prestigious universities will be available online to anyone in the world… Learners won’t have to register for the classes, and everyone is accepted.“
Throughout this session, the attendants build up a social network by contributing nodes that represent persons:… A node should be a sketch of the person showing some characteristics and one keyword
„Im Ergebnis bedeuten die Veränderungen eine Stärkung des Internets… Die Printausgabe dagegen soll die Leser mit vermehrten Analysen locken.“
„This Java package contains tools for manipulation and validation of XML graphs (also known as Summary Graphs) and schemas written in Restricted RELAX NG, XML Schema, or DTD, and for abstract XPath evaluation on XML graphs.“
Franz Patalong: „Das Haupt-Nachrichtengeschäft der Zeitung findet künftig im Netz statt. Eine Tatsache, die in den USA alle führenden Verlagshäuser längst akzeptieren.“
„As a highly scalable, Web-based solution, QuickBase from Intuit promotes visibility and accountability in today’s fast-paced business environment in a flexible, easy-to-use way.“
interessante Ansätze – leider mit Flash auch für den einfachsten Text realisiert
„Google is testing in-stream video ads with an eye toward creating a system that matches small-scale video creators and advertisers in much the same way its AdSense system works for Web site ads.“
„Paid blogging service PayPerPost will snap up select assets of Performancing LLC, aiming to bolster the campaign measurement capabilities it offers advertisers. Performancing has a network of 28,000 bloggers and provides a free blog analytics service…“
„The problem is that GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE really are a minimal set. You truly do need all four, and we only have two; and I’ve never understood why. In 2006 browser vendors still don’t support PUT and DELETE.“
„In this interview, Elliotte Rusty Harold discusses the true meaning of PUT and DELETE.“
eines der schönsten weblogs überhaupt!
„Photoblogs.org is a resource designed to help people find all kinds of photoblogs. If you’re not sure what a photoblog is, check out the FAQ. Our database currently holds listings for 21,055 photoblogs.“
„GIMPguru.org is a resource for those using the GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) to edit photographs. Please check out our comprehensive suite of image editing tutorials.“
„This is a project I’ve started to keep track of specific examples of local journalism (aka citizen journalism aka grassroots journalism) websites.“
„WITH ITS NEWSPAPER AD SALES initiative exceeding expectations, Google plans to expand its pilot program next year. The system, which Google has been testing since November, allows advertisers to bid online for daily newspapers‘ remnant print ad inventory
‚This book was published in 1979, had a successful life in print until selling out in 1993. At that point, I reclaimed the rights to the book from my valued collaborators at University of California Press and began preparing this hypertext version „postpr