„The BRICKS Community is the aggregation of a large community of users, composed of content providers, art professionals, and art researchers… students, citizens, tourists, etc. in order to build a consensus, sharing knowledge and service on Digital Con
„A digital library… should be more than a digitized one. It should be built according to principles that are not necessarily the same as those employed for paper collections, and it should be evaluated according to different measures which are not yet t
„Im Rahmen des Projektes CEEC werden die mittelalterlichen Kodizes der Erzbischöflichen Diözesan- und Dombibliothek Köln (DDB) digitalisiert. Die DDB ist damit weltweit die erste Bibliothek, die ihre mittelalterlichen Handschriftenbestände komplett(1)
„Dieses Informationsangebot präsentiert alle bis zum Jahr 2000 publizierten Editionsbände der Monumenta Germaniae Historica“
Word of the day: Podfading
Danah Boyd, 2004: Die bisherigen Diskussionen über Weblogs werden von Metaphern („Zeitung“, „Tagebuch“) blockiert.
„Here you can find a Python interpreter that takes input and shows output on PC, connects over Bluetooth to phone, and executes on the phone. You also get simple shell functionality for the phone (cd, ls, rm, etc.). The tool also allows you to synchronize
„Our target was to make it possible to access a webserver running on a mobile phone, equipped with a standard operator SIM, from any browser on the Internet, at any time.“
„A key ingredient in this is the Mobile Web Server, …, which turns the mobile phone into a service provider… The Contacts Browser Plugin is a concept demo that was built to show the exciting possibilities of combining the mobile and desktop…“
„Auf diesen Seiten finden Sie einen elektronischen Zettelkasten für Ihren PC, der sich am Arbeitsprinzip des Zettelkastens von Niklas Luhmann orientiert.“
„Das 3D-Onlinegame Second Life bereitet den Weg für eine neue Art der Internetnutzung“, meint Anton Fricko, IBM Experte für Emerging Technologies, heute, Mittwoch, vor Journalisten in Wien…
„IBM will launch an official group in January to deal with Second Life and other virtual realms from which the company hopes to profit.“
„This module provides a series of annotated websites giving definitions, key concepts, teaching tips and lesson plans, sources of on-line books and magazine articles, and bibliographies for the reader’s use.“
„Executives of Sirius Satellite Radio are again hinting at a potential merger with XM Satellite Radio that they say would bring strong gains for investors.“
„AccuWeather views data delivered by widgets developed with QEDWiki as a powerful complement to its existing commercial weather applications,…“
Spiegel online entdeckt das Thema Netzneutralität: Der böse Traum vom Zwei-Klassen-Internet.
Sehr gut recherchierter und fundierter Beitrag von Roman Mischel: Wie verwenden deutsche Tages– und Wochenzeitungen Video
Interview mit dem Newsvine-Mitgründer Calvin Tang
„IRE and NICAR members are beginning to explore the uses of social network analysis for visualizing and diagramming relationships between individuals and businesses and institutions. This is a new approach for journalists,..“
„IRE provides educational services to reporters, editors and others interested in investigative journalism and works to maintain high professional standards.“
„NICAR is a program of Investigative Reporters and Editors, Inc. and the Missouri School of Journalism. Founded in 1989, NICAR has trained thousands of journalists in the practical skills of finding, prying loose and analyzing electronic information.“